Millie Weaver Goes To Jail

August 15, 2020
New media journalist Millie Weaver arrested and jailed until at least Monday

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By Peter Barry Chowka

Millie Weaver, widely known as Millennial Millie, a 29-year old conservative new media video and print journalist with a large following online, was arrested at her home in Ohio on Friday morning. Police officers apparently from a local SWAT team took Weaver to the Portage County Jail in Ravenna, Ohio where she is being held without bail until at least Monday for a “tentative status hearing.” A short video captured on her cell phone as she was being taken away was posted online.

Millie Weaver is one of my favorite independent journalists. She’s also a young mom. I was shocked to see this heavy-handed arrest. With her friends’ permission, I have set up a GoFundMe — please join me in chipping in.

Go Fund Me for Millie
— Ezra Levant ???? (@ezralevant) August 14, 2020

The news of Weaver’s arrest was immediately taken note of on social media as the Twitter hashtags #freemillie and #freemillieweaver quickly trended. Talk show host and licensed investigator Doug Hagmann, on whose program Weaver was a guest on July 3, obtained a copy of Weaver’s custody record, which is public information, with additional background from his sources which he cited in an article:

According to the information I obtained through my investigative inquiries (and partially detailed in the video of her arrest), she was indicted by a grand jury seated in Ohio. The indictment was sealed until served. The nature of her alleged offenses appears to be “process crimes” (e.g. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering with Evidence). [emphasis original]

In an article Friday at activist post, Spiro Skouras wrote that he also “contacted the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and they confirmed Millie Weaver is in their custody. They also confirmed that she was served a secret indictment. “

Millie Weaver in a screen shot from her new documentary Shadow Gate

The plot, if not the confusion, in this case thickens in light of the fact that Weaver was set to release an 82-minute independent documentary, Shadow Gate, which, as they say, is ripped from the headlines. The two-minute trailer, which Weaver tweeted a link to on August 11, teases the film’s relevance to current events:

The ObamaGate scandal only scratches the surface. . . Both parties are equally guilty in what should turn out to be an even bigger scandal. Shadow Gate the tactical and operational role the shadow government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump.

On the page at her Website with the film’s trailer, Weave wrote:

The material presented in this documentary should concern people of all political affiliations given elected officials are not the shadow government. This is about real players [whose] names never come up but should. Corrupt carrier politicians are definitely part of the beltway swamp, even aspects of the deep state, but they are not the shadow government. Two whistleblowers, who worked extensively within the Shadow Government as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be the biggest whistleblowing event to date.

One of the whistleblower sources in the film, who uses the name Tore, uploaded a full copy of the documentary following Weaver’s arrest on Friday. In its first 14 hours online, the film had over 468,000 views. As of this writing, it is still on YouTube and is propagating virally elsewhere on the Internet.

After viewing the complete documentary one time on Friday evening, I can attest to its compelling – and complex – content. It is a professional piece of film making, with state of the art production values. The interlocks it documents among Deep State players both known and obscure are riveting. Several viewings (a transcript would help) would be required to fully absorb and confirm the myriad details in the incredibly fast-moving presentation.

Weaver, originally from California, is married with two children, ages four and nine months. Some reports have said that her husband has also been taken into custody. Weaver started her journalistic career in 2012 at Infowars, where she quickly became one of the channel’s most popular reporters. Recently, she has gone out on her own as an independent journalist while continuing to contribute articles and video reports to Infowars. Weaver’s own YouTube channel has over 420,00 subscribers and her Twitter account has 180,00 followers.

This story is in its early stages and has the potential of being huge in the days ahead. Stay tuned for developments.

Markethive News

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