5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series – Part 1


Blogging has become an extremely popular thing to do these days. 

What started out as someone having a kind of online diary has morphed into something anyone can use to discuss anything they like – whether it is their daily activities or promoting a business, sharing political opinions, or doing movie reviews, discussing travels, you name it!

In this series, we'll be discussing the reason why you should start a blog and how it could add value to your life or business.


1) Got a fantastic hobby?

If you're passionate about something, you probably won't stop blogging about it until someone pries your fingers away from the keyboard. 

Starting a blog can be confusing especially if the internet, WordPress, hosting, SEO, etc. are all new to you. 

You could start a blog very easily by using Markethive though. The entire platform is already set up for you and so all you need to do is actually pick a title and start typing 🙂

Blogging can be quite fulfilling especially when your posts gain popularity and people start to read your posts, send in their questions and comments, etc.

Blogging will also encourage you to get out and learn more and more about the subject you're blogging about thereby giving you a never-ending supply of fresh content for your blog. Plus, you can blog from anywhere!

You will be so pleased with yourself once you have a community of like-minded individuals around you, all contributing towards the success of your blog and hobby.

Stay tuned for the next article!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Note: I have to warn you though, with the people being the way they are these days, they won't just skip your blog or keep quiet if they don't like what you're saying. There are those who seem to think it their duty to point out every error or to just be negative in the comments section, so..

DO. NOT. LET. IT. BOTHER. YOU. You just do you 🙂

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