Hackers Attack Trump Website Ask for Monero The Trump campaign website was vandalized by someone who loves the cryptocurrency Moneroand wants you to donate

Hackers Attack Trump Website, Ask for Monero

The Trump campaign website was vandalized by someone who loves the cryptocurrency Monero—and wants you to donate!



For half an hour today, potential supporters of President Trump were unable to access his campaign website.

They were, however, able to send Monero to the hackers responsible for attacking donaldjtrump.com.

The hacker(s) used their 30 minutes of fame to post a notice stating "this site was seized" and "the world has had enough of the fake-news spreaded daily by president donald j trump," complete with replica seals from the Department of Justice and FBI.

It was perhaps the most grammatically challenged disinformation campaign so far in the 2020 election, not counting that chain email your Uncle Charlie sent you.


The hackers proclaimed that they had gained access to compromised devices which revealed "strictly classified information…proving that the trump-gov is involved in the origin of the corona virus [sic]."


Markethive News

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